Emi Kuroda (she/her)

Class of 2023 | Student Orientation Leader | Class Senate President

Emi Kuroda

Being a member of the SUA community is such a great opportunity for me to joyfully struggle and strive to be leaders of the global community. My growth never stops thanks to everyone!

What does leadership mean to you?

Leadership to me means growth. I’m extremely grateful to be part of Student Orientation Leader (SOL) and Class Senate with incredibly wonderful teammates because I have been able to seek what it means to live a contributive life. But just being a member of the SUA community is such a great opportunity for me to joyfully struggle and strive to be leaders of the global community. My growth never stops thanks to everyone!

What is a quote that inspires your leadership style?

“What one person and one group accomplish becomes the standing ground and starting point of those who succeed them.”

—John Dewey

Who is someone you respect who models social responsibility as a leader and why?

I love and respect our school founder Daisaku Ikeda so much. His wisdom has been uniting people around the world; his courage brightens up a person in front of him; and his compassion transcends any artificial borders. My everyday challenge is to embody wisdom, courage, and compassion that he has been demonstrating throughout his life. But you know what, everyone has amazing qualities that I can learn from so I’m literally learning from each person I interact with. My family, friends, teachers, staff, strangers, who I happen to meet, the list goes on but … thank YOU so much!