Emily Haghigi

Class of 2008

Image of Emily Haghighi.

I had a more well-rounded understanding of how the modern culture and political climate in any given African nation are shaped by its pre- and post-colonial history.

Emily graduated from SUA with a concentration in International Studies in 2008. She is the Program Administrator for the Missouri Transect, a five-year $20-million research consortium in Missouri to study the effects of climate change on agriculture crops, native plants, and human communities around the state.

Q: What is your best memory as an International Studies concentrator?

A: My best memory was my independent study course with Dr. MacLeod, studying politics and history in Africa.

Q: How did International Studies prepare you for life after SUA?

A: I served in the Peace Corps in Niger, West Africa, from 2008 to 2010. Having an understanding of African history and politics helped me to dispel any preconceived notions of what my experience might be. I had a more well-rounded understanding of how the modern culture and political climate in any given African nation are shaped by its pre-colonial and post-colonial history.

Q: Do you have any advice for current International Studies concentrators?

A: Create an independent study based on a topic that really motivates and interests you.