Health Professions Advising
Welcome to Health Professions Advising
The Health Professions Advisor (HPA) provides support to students and alumni pursing graduate education and careers in the health fields (e.g., medical and dental school). HPA coordinates closely with the Career Development Office (CDO) and the Graduate School Advisor (GSA) to provide students, alumni, and academic advisors with support and resources.
Please review the Health Professions Advising Handbook for 2024-2025. It offers information on career options, what to consider when choosing a career, how to schedule courses at SUA to complete prerequisite coursework, enrichment opportunities, and what steps students must take to be successful candidates when they decide to apply to medical and dental schools.
If you would like to post an internship, research position, or job to the Soka pre-health distribution list (including current students and alumni), please submit your posting to SUA Health Professions Advising at
Sign up to join the Soka HPA mailing list here.
HPA Offerings

Applying for Medical or Dental School
Explore what steps students must take to be successful candidates when they decide to apply to medical and dental schools.

Summer Clinical Preceptorship
Students spend the summer rotating in the neurosurgery operating room, clinic, and neuroanatomy research laboratory gaining exposure to direct patient care and contributing to the department’s research.

SUA-ISSAC Youth Health Advocacy Internship
SUA’s Career Development Office and Health Professions Advising are partnering with the International School for Science and Culture (ISSAC) in Costa Mesa on a collaborative youth health advocacy program and corresponding SUA student internship.

Clinical Skills Lab
The Clinical Skills Lab offers our undergraduate students the opportunities to learn and practice hands-on clinical skills often not taught until medical school clerkship years. These skills include taking a patient history, basic physical exam, suturing, surgical knot-tying, and laparoscopic surgical skills (FLS skills training).
Health Professions Advisor