Chinese Language and Culture
The Chinese Language and Culture Program prepares you to study abroad in China or Taiwan by building necessary skills such as reading and writing Chinese characters, understanding basic to advanced grammar and vocabulary, and exploring social customs and traditions in Chinese-speaking countries.
A Personalized Educational Experience
When students are effectively motivated, they can really enjoy the learning process.
Course Offerings
These courses are taught in Chinese.
Introduction to the basic structure and function of the modern Chinese language, covering the basic sound system, grammatical constructions, writing system, and basic vocabulary and expressions. Important cultural aspects of the language are discussed as well.
Prerequisite: CHI 101 or instructor consent.
Continuing development of the fundamental aspects of the modern Chinese language as in CHI 101, with additional vocabulary/expressions and analysis of grammatical constructions.
Prerequisite: CHI 102 or instructor consent.
Aims at further developing students’ Chinese language proficiency in the six aspects of listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and cultural understanding.
Prerequisite: CHI 201 or instructor consent.
Continuation of CHI 201 while further enhancing students’ proficiency level in listening, speaking, reading, writing, grammar, and cultural understanding. Necessary linguistic, cultural, and sociolinguistic orientation for study abroad studies is included.
Prerequisite: CHI 202 and pre-study abroad status, or instructor consent.
This course is primarily geared for students who have completed CHI 202 and are preparing to study abroad in the following semester. Emphasis is on strengthening speaking skills, while promoting integration of those skills with listening, reading, and writing for a more effective study abroad outcome.
Prerequisite: Completion of a Study Abroad program in Chinese, any 300-level Chinese courses or instructor consent.
This course focuses on further improving all four-language skills students have acquired, especially listening and speaking, so as to prepare them to use these skills in real-life situations such as jobs and/or international volunteer opportunities requiring foreign language skills. It is geared towards students returning from a study abroad program in a Chinese-speaking area.
Prerequisite: Completion of a Study Abroad program in Chinese, any 300-level Chinese courses, or instructor consent.
This course emphasizes on increasing exposure to the written style of discourse in Chinese. By writing narratives/reflections and essays about authentic materials read, writing and grammar skills are refined. It is geared towards students returning from a study abroad program in a Chinese-speaking area.
Prerequisite: Completion of a Study Abroad program in Chinese, any 300-level Chinese courses, or instructor consent.
This course introduces classical Chinese poem and text to students. In writing Chinese, writers often quote classical Chinese poems and texts, which are more difficult than vernacular Chinese. This course helps students expand their knowledge and skills in reading and writing Chinese to a deeper and more culturally oriented level. Students can apply what they have acquired from this course to the more sophisticated writing in all fields such as literature, history, political sciences, economics, sociology, etc.
Prerequisite: Completion of a Study Abroad program in Chinese or instructor consent.
An advanced language course explores the rich and variegated cultural history of China. In addition to textbooks, authentic Chinese materials are used. Chinese language skill previously acquired through course study and study abroad is re-enforced.
Prerequisite: Completion of a Study Abroad program in Chinese or instructor consent.
This advanced language course analyzes and discusses Chinese cultural and societal issues by examining short literary works and screenings of 20th-century and later films from mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.
Prerequisite: Completion of a Study Abroad program in Chinese, or instructor consent.
Introduction to literary or classical Chinese texts, focusing on reading comprehension, scholarly translation, and the carryover to the blending of classical and modern prose styles.
Prerequisite: Completion of a Study Abroad program in Chinese or instructor consent.
This advanced language course covers in depth some pertinent and relevant issues existing in contemporary Chinese societies. Students take and participate in developing this class upon their return from abroad.
Chinese Language and Culture Faculty