International Studies Course Offerings

International Studies offers a range of interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary courses from a faculty trained in anthropology, economics, history, international relations, political science, and sociology, preparing students for both graduate school and careers in government, international organizations, business, and the non-profit sectors.

Course Rotation

Students should consult this course rotation as a tool for long-term academic planning. This course rotation is subject to change without prior notice.

Courses marked with an asterisk (*) indicate cross-listed courses.

Courses marked with a “W” indicate the course fulfills the Advanced Writing Requirement. Students are required to satisfactorily complete one W-coded, writing-intensive course taught in any Concentration or in the Writing Program. Advanced Writing Skills courses in the concentrations may satisfy other degree requirements (e.g., one of the five courses taken in the upper division in their home concentration). Dual concentrators are only required to complete one Advanced Writing Skills course. Additional W-designated INTS courses are to be added to the course rotation. Students should expect to see two “W” courses per semester.


INTS 100* Principles of Economics (Liu)
INTS 100* Principles of Economics (Mazumder)
INTS 111 Introduction to International Relations (MacLeod)
INTS 114 Introduction to Peace Studies (Ogata)
INTS 125 Introduction to East Asian Studies (Gottesman)
INTS 130 Introduction to Latin American Studies (Jones)

INTS 208 Introduction to Global Health (Mills)
INTS 215* Introduction to Women’s Studies (Caldwell)
INTS 240 Peace & Conflict in the Middle East (Rahman)
INTS 290 The Politics of Developing Countries (Brooks)

INTS 304W* The United Nations & World Politics (MacLeod)
INTS 305W* Democracy and Democratization (Barter)
INTS 350* Gandhi and Modern India (Rao)
INTS 390 Ancient and Medieval African History (Esiobu)

INTS 489* Culture and Imperialism (Spady)
INTS 490 Development & Film South America (Crowder-Taraborrelli)

INTS 100* Principles of Economics (Liu)
INTS 111 Introduction to International Relations (Rahman)
INTS 140 Introduction to European Studies (Barter)
INTS 170 Introduction to African Studies (TBA)

INTS 205 Introduction to Human Rights (MacLeod)
INTS 283* The Third World and the West (Hwang)
INTS 290* Traditional Ecological Knowledge (Esiobu)

INTS 303 Brazil, Mexico, and the Nation (TBA)
INTS 310 International Conflict Resolution (Ogata)
INTS 320 Politics and Governance in Asia (Barter)
INTS 361* Economic Development (Liu)
INTS 390* Education About East Asia (Hwang)


INTS 100* Principles of Economics (TBA)
INTS 100* Principles of Economics (Liu)
INTS 111 Introduction to International Relations (MacLeod)
INTS 114 Introduction to Peace Studies (Ogata)
INTS 150 Introduction to Southeast Asian Studies (Barter)
INTS 190 The African Diaspora (Brooks)

INTS 208 Introduction to Global Health (Mills)
INTS 210 US-Latin American Relations (TBA)
INTS 275 Intro. To Research Design (Rahman)

INTS 348W* Gender and Sexuality in Cross-Cultural Perspective (England)
INTS 362* International Economics (Liu)
INTS 365W* State & Society (Barter)

INTS 422 International Law (MacLeod)
INTS 490 Human Rights in Latin America (Crowder-Taraborrelli)

INTS 100* Principles of Economics (TBA)
INTS 111 Introduction to International Relations (MacLeod)
INTS 125 Introduction to East Asian Studies (Ogata)
INTS 140 Introduction to Europe (Barter)

INTS 215* Introduction to Women’s Studies (TBA)
INTS 290 Introduction to Contemporary Africa (Esiobu)

INTS 323* Political Economy of Latin America (TBA)
INTS 326* Women in East Asia (Hwang)
INTS 361* Economic Development (Liu)
INTS 381 Political Islam (Rahman)
INTS 390 Sino-Japanese Relations (Hwang)
INTS 390 Africa and Global Health (Esiobu)
INTS 404* Violence and Oppression in Latin America (England)


INTS 100* Principles of Economics (TBA)
INTS 100* Principles of Economics (TBA)
INTS 111 Introduction to International Relations (MacLeod)
INTS 114 Introduction to Peace Studies (Ogata)
INTS 130 Introduction to Latin American Studies (TBA)
INTS 160 Intro to Middle East Studies (Rahman)

INTS 208 Introduction to Global Health (Mills)

INTS 304W* The United Nations & World Politics (MacLeod)
INTS 305W* Democracy and Democratization (Barter)
INTS 333* China Since the 1949: The People’s Republic (Hwang)

INTS 489* Culture and Imperialism (Spady)

INTS 100* Principles of Economics (TBA)
INTS 111 Introduction to International Relations (TBA)
INTS 150 Introduction to Southeast Asian Studies (Barter)

INTS 205 Introduction to Human Rights (MacLeod)
INTS 215* Introduction to Women’s Studies (Caldwell)
INTS 240 Peace & Conflict in the Middle East (Rahman)
INTS 283* The Third World and the West (Hwang)

INTS 310 International Conflict Resolution (Ogata)
INTS 316* Ideas of East and West (Hwang)
INTS 320 Politics in Asia (Barter)
INTS 325* Inequality, Repression, and Resistance in Central America (England)
INTS 361* Economic Development (Liu)

INTS 410W Plagues and Peoples (TBA)


INTS 100* Principles of Economics (TBA)
INTS 100* Principles of Economics (Liu)
INTS 111 Introduction to International Relations (MacLeod)
INTS 114 Introduction to Peace Studies (Ogata)
INTS 130 Introduction to Latin America Studies (TBA)
INTS 140 Introduction to European Studies (Barter)

INTS 208 Introduction to Global Health (Mills)
INTS 210 US-Latin American Relations (TBA)

INTS 330* Modern China in Literature and Film (Hwang)
INTS 348W* Gender and Sexuality in Cross-Cultural Perspective (England)
INTS 362* International Economics (Liu)
INTS 365W* State & Society (Barter)

INTS 422 International Law (MacLeod)

INTS 100* Principles of Economics (TBA)
INTS 111 Introduction to International Relations (TBA)
INTS 125 Introduction to East Asian Studies (Ogata)
INTS 150 Introduction to Southeast Asian Studies (Barter)

INTS 215* Introduction to Women’s Studies (TBA)

INTS 313* Latin American Immigration to US (England)
INTS 323* Political Economy of Latin America (TBA)
INTS 326* Women in East Asia (Hwang)
INTS 361* Economic Development (Liu)
INTS 390* Sino-Japanese Relations (Hwang)