Daisaku and Kaneko Ikeda Library
Welcome to Ikeda Library

Visitor Information
Ikeda Library is open to the visitors during the SUA business hours: Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm.

About Us
We support our students, faculty, and staff in their endeavors to meet their academic and personal goals as we all work together toward fulfilling the SUA mission.

Ikeda Library Portal Page
Library information for the Soka University of America community.
Access Information
Ikeda Library Catalog
Search our print, media, and online resources.
Information Guides
These librarian-created guides describe a range of topics including library resources, library services, information literacy skills, various subject areas, and events.
Faculty Publications
Click here to see the various publications by SUA faculty.
Instruction Sessions & Research Workshops
We offer class instruction for any course and hybrid workshops throughout the year on information literacy skills and topics. Workshops are open to students, faculty, and staff.
Reference Services
The reference librarians help the campus community find resources for their course assignments or personal research while also helping them develop the information literacy skills needed to create strong search strategies for future projects.
Interlibrary Loans
To supplement the library’s collections, we borrow books and journal articles from other libraries at no cost to the campus community members.